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Chart of good usage


Every client signed a policy for using the Kelio ATS API. If you don’t respect the commitments, we can close your access at anytime, without previous warning.

Therefore, we remind you the main rules:

  • Respect a quota of 120 requests per minute
  • Use the API only for fetching data, migrating data, creating applicants and applications. In no instance the API shall be used for displaying data in real time.

In a nutshell: be nice, don't spam.

In case of issue

This documentation should give you everything you need to implement your connection. However, if you encounter an issue or have question about our API, you can reach us at We will answer if:

  • you know the basics of programmation (we won't code for you)
  • you give us as many details as possible: screenshots, code, requests, response, context

Thank you!

Jobboard documentation for the Kelio ATS API